Spinal Flow
You are Amazing
Your body has it's own in-built intelligence that grew you from two cells into a human being!
That same intelligence coordinates & controls every single function of your body - including the ability for your body to heal itself.
With gentle touches to specific points on your spine and cranium I help you access that intelligence and release interference, creating optimal functioning of your nervous system,
moving you towards greater health & wellbeing.
Benefits of Spinal Flow
Greater flexibility to create a wider range of motion and emotion
Develop greater mind-body awareness to connect with and embrace your authentic self.
Retrain your nervous system to connect with it's innate ability to adapt to life's challenges
Bring awareness to old patterns that no longer serve you so you can embrace new possibilities.
Become more resourceful to create changes required to experience health and wellness.
Rebalance your system by switching on the parasympathetic nervous system, activating your innate ability to self-regulate, release stress, heal and regenerate.
Create new strategies to release tension and create ease.
After each session you will experience more energy and ease, enjoy more restful sleep, focus and mental clarify, and an overall feeling of well-being.
Release stress and blockages and enhance wellbeing.
Based in Riverton/Aparima, Southland
About the technique
What happens in a Spinal Flow Session?
The spine and nervous system are the master controllers of the human body but stressors can interrupt the healthy flow of messages up and down the spine through our nerves to our organs.
By enhancing the spinal wave through 33 access points we tap into the body’s innate healing wisdom to create more ease and flow.
A Spinal Flow session involves you lying face down on my table fully clothed.
I use “gentle precise touch” contacts to your spine, which cues the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies to release and reorganize the tension patterns through the spine.
Spinal Flow is a fast, effective way to heal from pain, dis-ease and illness.
“I have highly valued my Spinal Flow Sessions. I am no longer stressed, I’m sleeping really well, and my back pain has disappeared. Thank you so much Carolyne!”- Steph
Carolyne Taplin
I live & work in beautiful Riverton/Aparima & Invercargill in Southland.
Appointments are 30 mins. $55 - Discounted Membersip available
Tuesdays: 10 am -1 2 noon. 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Wednesdays: 4:30pm - 7:30 pm
Thursdays: 10 am -12 noon. 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Saturdays: 9:30am -12:30pm
Other time by negotiation
Ph or message me 021 468 556
I am a teacher by trade and a life-long learner by choice.
Whilst living in Victoria, Australia I had regular healing sessions with a holistic chiropractor who used Spinal Flow and I immediately felt the benefits not just in reduction of back pain but greater connection to my inner wisdom and increased emotional resilience.
In 2022 I had the privilege of learning this modality from Founder Carli Axford and now offer you a gentle yet powerful way to address underlying causes, not just symptoms, reduce pain and stress and become empowered to maintain your optimal health.
Introductory Deal
Embark on a transformative journey with our specially crafted Spinal Flow sessions.
For a limited time, I’m offering an exclusive package of three sessions at almost 20% off!
That’s $165 worth of treatments now only $135
Plus, receive a complimentary personalised wellness assessment to track your progress.
With Spinal Flow Technique, relief isn't just temporary—it's the beginning of a healthier, more vibrant you.
Call or Message me 021 468 556